Syscalls on Windows 11

Reversing the Windows 11 Syscall Handler

Author: Andrea Di Dio

If you have any further questions or suggestions after reading this writeup feel free to contact me at or on Twitter (@hammertux). I will try to answer any questions or adopt any suggestions :)


The aim of this post is to briefly explain the kernel routines involved in a Windows system call (in Windows terminology, a system service). In order to retrieve such information I used Ghidra in order to reverse engineer the relevant parts of the ntoskrnl.exe binary and WinDbg in order to step through the kernel execution upon a system service.

Syscalls (aka System Services)

Relevant Components

  • ntdll.dll: special system support library which resides in user-space and offers system service dispatch stubs to Windows executive system services.
  • Relevant MSRs:
    • STAR (0xc0000081)
    • LSTAR (0xc0000082)
    • SFMASK (0xc0000084)
  • Kernel Processor Control Region (KPCR): Contains information about the current processor. Each processor has its own KPCR. Contains plenty of metadata including a pointer (Prcb) to a KPRCB (see below).
  • Kernel Processor Control Block (KPRCB): Massive structure which contains more information about the state of a processor. Notably, it holds a pointer (CurrentThread) which points to a KTHREAD structure that olds the state of the current running kernel thread. The offset of this member is hardcoded to be KPCR + 0x188.

The syscall life-cycle

Syscall Dispatch:

  1. User issues call to a specific syscall (e.g., NtCreateFile()).
  2. This invokes the ntdll!Nt* stub which stores the corresponding syscall number in EAX (for NtCreateFile() this is 0x55) and executes the syscall instruction to trap into the kernel.
  3. When the syscall instruction is executed:
    1. The Code Segment (CS) is loaded from Bits 32 to 47 in STAR, which Windows sets to 0x0010 (KGDT64_R0_CODE).
    2. The Stack Segment (SS) is loaded from Bits 32 to 47 in STAR + 8, which gives us 0x0018 (KGDT_R0_DATA).
    3. The Program Counter (RIP) is saved in RCX and the new value (i.e., the address of the syscall handler) is loaded from LSTAR. This either resolves to the nt!KiSystemCall64 or nt!KiSystemCall64Shadow functions.
    4. The processor flags (RFLAGS) are saved in R11 and then masked with SFMASK, which Windows sets to 0x4700 (Trap Flag, Direction Flag, Interrupt Flag, and Nested Task Flag).
    5. The Stack Pointer (RSP) and all other segments (DS, ES, FS, and GS) are kept to their current user-space values.
  4. In the nt!KiSystemCall64 syscall handler, after the swapgs instruction, the GS points to the Kernel Processor Control Region (KPCR).
  5. The current RSP is saved into the UserRsp field of the KPCR
  6. The new stack pointer is loaded from the RspBase field of the KPRCB
  7. Now that the kernel stack is loaded, the function builds a trap frame. This includes storing in the frame the SegSs set to KGDT_R3_DATA (0x2B), Rsp from the UserRsp in the PCR, EFlags from R11, SegCs set to KGDT_R3_CODE(0x33), and storing Rip from RCX.
  8. Load RCX from R10 to comply with the x64 ABI which requires the first argument of any function to be in RCX.
  9. Flush uarch buffers and temporarily disable SMAP with the stac instruction.

Returning to Userland:


  • nt!KiSystemCall64
    • Sets up the kernel stack and executes the stac instruction to disable SMAP.
  • nt!KiSystemServiceUser
    • Retrieves KTHREAD structure’s address from the GS register and stores it in RBX.
    • Sets the FirstArgument (from RCX) and SystemCallNumber (from EAX) fields of the KTHREAD structure.
  • nt!KiSystemServiceStart
    • Carves out of the syscall number two fields: Table Identifier (bits [12-13]) and the System Call Number (bits [0-11]). The first can only have the value 00 (for native syscalls i.e., those coming from ntdll.dll) or 01 (for GUI functions i.e., those coming from win32u.dll) as there are two ‘syscall tables’. After this function, the table identifier is in EDI and the true syscall number in EAX.
  • nt!KiSystemServiceRepeat
    • Loads in R10 and R11 two Service Descriptor Tables (SDT) namely, the nt!KeServiceDescriptorTable and the nt!KeServiceDescriptorTableShadow. The first contains the System Service Table a.k.a System Service Dispatch TableSSDT (nt!KiServiceTable) for native system calls while the latter holds the same table plus the System Service Table for GUI functions (win32k!W32pServiceTable).
    • Check RBX (where the current KTHREAD is stored) to see if the GuiThread bit is set in the flag member of KTHREAD + 0x78. (test dword ptr [RBX + 0x78], 80h). Note that on the first call to this function, the GuiThread flag is not set as the kernel cannot know whether the current thread is executing a GUI function or not.
    • If the GuiThread flag is not set, i.e., a native syscall has been issued from a thread, the code jumps to a check to see if EAX is above the address [R10 + RDI + 0x10] (i.e., System Call Number > [nt!KeServiceDescriptorTable + Table Identifier + 0x10]). This essentially check that the System Call Number is below the nt!KiServiceTable->ServiceLimit.
    • If the check fails (i.e., the syscall number is above the possible range), the code checks to see if EDI == 0x20 to check if the function is a GUI function. If it is, the thread is converted to a GUI thread (nt!KiConvertGuiThread) and the code jumps back to the start of nt!KiSystemServiceRepeat. If EDI != 0x20, the syscall number is out of range and the routine exits the syscall processing.
    • In the case of a GUI thread, the code checks for another flag in the KTHREAD structure (test dword ptr [RBX + 0x78], 200000h) namely, the RestrictedGuiThread flag. If this flag is set, nt!KeServiceDescriptorTableFilter SSDT is loaded in R10. If not, the normal GUI SSDT is loaded (nt!KeServiceDescriptorTableShadow).
    • After this code block, R10 is incremented by RDI (Table Identifier) meaning that it will hold either nt!KeServiceDescriptorTable + 0x00 (i.e., nt!KiServiceTable) for native syscalls, or nt!KeServiceDescriptorTableShadow + 0x20 (i.e., win32k!W32pServiceTable)for GUI functions (disregarding win32k filters for simplicity).
    • The entry in the SSDT for the corresponding System Call Number is loaded in R11 with the instruction movsxd R11, dword ptr [R10 + RAX * 0x4] i.e., R11 = SSDT + System Call Number * 4 where the multiplication by 4 is needed as each entry in the SSDT is 4 bytes long. Each entry in the SSDT contains two values. The lowest order nibble (bits [0-3]) holds the number of arguments for the function passed via the stack (Following x64 convention, the first 4 arguments are passed via registers RCX, RDX, R8 and, R9 meaning that this part of the SSDT entry is 0 for all syscalls with at most 4 arguments). The rest of the entry (bits [4-31]) contain the Relative Value Address (RVA) in the SSDT of the correct native function.
    • At this point, the last operation this function executes is to add the RVA of the function to the correct SSDT which resolves to the address of the internal routine corresponding to the syscall issued in userland. (add R10, R11). If the function is a GUI function, the last step is to load the Thread Execution Environment structure (TEB) in R11 with the following instruction mov R11,qword ptr [RBX + 0xf0]. If we are dealing with a normal NT syscall we jump in the middle of the next function (nt!KiSystemServiceGdiTebAccess) to skip some GUI related checks.
  • nt!KiSystemServiceGdiTebAccess
    • In the case of a GUI function, at the start of the function, there is a check to see if the Teb->GDIBatchCount is 0 or not (cmp dword ptr [R11 + 0x1740],0x0). If this field is 0, it skips the next 19 instructions and jumps to the same point as for a normal NT syscall.
    • Following the code path for normal NT syscalls, the function will once again check to see if the syscall has arguments on the stack and EAX, 0xF. If there are no arguments passed on the stack for the syscall, the function jumps directly to nt!KiSystemServiceCopyEnd. On the other hand, if the syscall has arguments, the code makes space on the stack for the maximum number of arguments, multiplies the number of arguments by 8 (shl EAX, 0x3).
    • Check if the provided arguments are in the address range reserved for userspace by comparing RSI to nt!MMUserProbeAddress.
    • Finally, the code loads the address of the nt!KiSystemServiceCopyEnd routine into R11. Subtracts EAX (number of args * 8) from R11. This is done because the nt!KiSystemServiceCopyStart routine precedes the nt!KiSystemServiceCopyEnd routine and only contains mov instructions which are 4 bytes each. For each argument two mov instructions are needed to copy the user data in kernel space. The code then jumps to the value stored in R11.
  • nt!KiSystemServiceCopyStart
    • This function is only ever called when the system call has arguments passed on the stack. I.e., the code in this function is only executed if the syscall being executed has more than 4 arguments.
    • The sole purpose of this function is to copy the arguments from the user space stack (in RSI) to the kernel space buffer (in RDI).
  • nt!KiSystemServiceCopyEnd
    • In this function, the kernel system service routine is finally called, e.g., nt!NtCreateFile(). This is done by copying R10 in EAX and jumping to EAX.
  • nt!KiSystemServiceExit
    • Cleanup and swapgs / sysret

WinDbg Flow:

Tracing a function from a usermode application in the kernel


  • Compile the uspace binary without ASLR (/DYNAMICBASE:NO)
  • Note down the address of the main function for the uspace binary. Can be found with some static analysis tool like ghidra or IDA.

In kd:

!gflag +ksl #loads kern symbols
sxe ld <uspace_binary> #breaks whenever the application <uspace_binary> is started
g #resume execution of target machine

Open the uspace_binary on the target machine. This will hit the breakpoint.

!gflag -ksl
!process -1 0 #Check that the current process is running
.process #Set the process to be the implicit process
bp <addr_main> #Set a breakpoint in the main function of the uspace_binary
g # Resume execution


In this short post we have explored the kernel routines which are involved in handling a system service on Windows 11 by reversing parts of the binary in order to uncover what happens when a userspace process issues such a system service.